Cigar Humidors for Cigar Aficionados
Everyone has that person in their life that is difficult to shop for. This year, instead of combing the internet for hours looking for an interesting gift, we suggest you check out a cigar humidor. Cigar humidors are consistently some of our best-selling items at A Gift Personalized, and the Personalized Trinidad Glass Top Mahogany Humidor is our favorite. Made from high quality Macintosh Oak with a Walnut finish and a tempered, beveled glass top, this cigar humidor can be personalized with your recipient’s name and monogram. SureSeal Technology ensures a tight seal that keeps your cigars perfectly fresh for the next time you’re ready to enjoy one. This cigar humidor also comes with one round humidifier that will do even more to keep your cigar collection fresh and at the perfect humidity level. This humidor is great for Dads all year but are an especially popular gift for Father's Day.
Don’t waste any more time searching for the perfect gift online. You’ve found it with the Personalized Trinidad Glass Top Mahogany Humidor! Men who fancy themselves cigar aficionados are passionate about keeping their cigars fresh and ready to enjoy. Check out any of our cigar humidors for a quality gift that will be enjoyed for years to come. Beautiful to display and made from high quality materials, our cigar humidors are some of our best-sellers year after year. Get your someone special a gift they aren’t expecting.
Looking for a cigar humidor that has even more of a personal touch? This Personalized Cigar Humidor comes in countless different styles. There’s sure to be a look that matches your style and your sense of humor. Available in a variety of designs and created to match our whimsical pub signs, these personalized humidors are the perfect gift for the cigar aficionado and are ideal for executives, retirees, new graduates, or anyone who enjoys a good smoke. Browse our entire collection of cigar humidors here.