Clever Ways to Announce Your Engagement
Want to announce your upcoming nuptials with something a bit more exciting than a Facebook post? These ideas will make your engagement reveal that much more memorable:
Throw a party (but don’t tell them why).
- Hang this custom He Asked & I Said Yes sign in your living room
2. Invite all of your family and friends over
3. See how long it takes them to notice.
Your best bet is to find a good excuse for the party (i.e. the Superbowl, St. Patrick’s Day, National Taco Day, etc). Unless you’re known for spontaneous shindigs, your guests may figure out the news beforehand if don’t give them a reason to come.
A Photoshoot
Often times, the engagement shoot comes after the official announcement. Knock them off their feet with the big reveal AND beautiful photos at the same time. This also gives you a lot of room to be creative with your announcement.
You can post a simple, no-caption photo with you and your soon-to-be spouse clinking custom wine glasses and let the rings do the talking, or go all out like these two did!
A T-shirt.
Have a family get-together coming up? Incorporate the announcement into your outfit for the day! Like the sign, a shirt with the news printed on it could be something that you wait for others to notice, or if you want a flashier reveal, get everyone’s attention when you take off your jacket!
A Puzzle (or any other game, really).
This one works best if you’re only making the special announcement to a few people, and plan on telling the rest via social media or email. Make your family and/or closest friends figure out the big news for themselves in a fun way. No need to get too fancy, you can find a puzzle outline online, type your message over it, print it out and cut it up.